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Starting on 19th May 2024 we have a temporary problem with our normal business email address which we are trying to resolve. We currently have no access to emails from customers. Please be patient.

Can we pay in Dollars, Euros, Yen etc?

Yes, Dollars, Euros, Yen and many other currencies are accepted by Kirkby Microwave for payment of VNA calibration kits. Payment can be made either by PayPal or bank transfer. Some of our products are available for purchase on eBay in USD and Euros, but most products are not. Using eBay incurs us significantly higher fees than banks or PayPal, so prices on eBay are higher than for bank transfer or PayPal.

Kirkby Microwave is based in the United Kingdom so all items are initially priced in Great Britain Pounds (GBP). However, if a customer has a specific need to pay in another currency, such as USD, Euros, or almost any other currency, then we can accept those currencies. But be aware that the price you pay will be slightly more than if paying in GBP due to a number of reasons, some of which are less obvious than others.

PayPal account.

Our PayPal account is - note that there are two k's in Kirkby. Do not be alarmed if you purchase an item from eBay or PayPal and see the account this has gone into is or

Bank account details.

Kirkby Microwave can often give a better price to customers paying by bank transfer, rather than PayPal, although for small items, paid from foreign banks, the fees can actually be higher than PayPal. Our bank account details are on the website.

VAT status

Please note that Kirkby Microwave is not VAT registered. This is stated on all quotations and proforma invoices we issue, but we did have one customer add VAT, which we refunded.

EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number

For some exports, an EORI number maybe required. Our EORI number is GB023275054000

Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892. Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.