Warranty Terms and Conditions
Here are the terms and conditions of the Kirkby Microwave warranty.
- This limited warranty applied to physical goods, and only for physical
goods, purchased from Kirkby Microwave (the "Physical Goods").
Each product has a warranty period of 1 year. The warranty period begins
the day that the goods are delivered. The terms of the warranty will be
by English Law.
If Kirkby Microwave receives notice of defects or non-conformance during the
warranty period, Kirkby Microwave will, at its option, repair or replace the
affected product, or part of it. Due to the nature of calibration kits sold
by Kirkby Microwave, in the event one part malfunctions, a replacement will
normally be shipped, and the customer replace the part, and dispose of the
damaged part.
In the unlikely event it is necessary for a complete product to be returned,
the customer will pay shipping expenses for return of
the item to Kirkby Microwave and Kirkby Microwave will pay expenses for shipment
of repaired or replacement item. If Kirkby Microwave is unable, within a
reasonable time, to repair or replace the affected product(s),
the customer will be entitled to a refund of the purchase price and original carriage charge upon
prompt return of the product(s) to Kirkby Microwave.
- Damage resulting from incorrect tightening of the connectors. A torque wrench should always be used on SMA connectors. Model 85033 kits with option 004 include a torque wrench.
- Damage resulting from natural disasters
- Theft of a product
Applicable laws
- The laws in England will apply.
- In the event one part if this warranty is considered invalid, it does not invalidate the rest of it.
Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892.
Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.