Kirkby Microwave can produce custom vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration kits, for either waveguide or coaxial applications. Whilst some people have asked us to produce a female SMA calibration kit or a male SMA calibration kit, it is not much cheaper than producing a full kit, but we do sometimes sell parts of a kit, if a customer has some of their own parts. Here are a selection of custom calibration kits we have made for customers.
This kit was provided to a military customer, and consisted of:
This kit was produced for an amateur radio enthusiast F5BQP. The customer supplied the wooden box he wanted the components fitted into, along with a couple of the components, including the orange load, which was a temporary load while he waited to receive a Maury Microwave fixed load, to match the other components. The kit consisted of:
Kirkby Microwave built this kit to the customers specifications, using a combination of parts the customer supplied to Kirkby Microwave, and parts Kirkby Microwave purchased. The foam insert was cut so that the customer could add the Maury Microwave waveguide load once he had obtained one.
Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892. Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.