Calibration & verification kit for Agilent or FieldFox FieldFox VNA or combination analyzer
The Agilent or Keysight FieldFox handheld RF and microwave analyzers include instruments which have network analyzer capability. The Kirkby Microwave calibration kits can be used with all FieldFox instruments which have network analyzer capability. (Some of the FieldFox instruments are just spectrum analyzers.)
At the time of writing (June 2018), the following instruments have VNA capabilities:
- N9923A 4/6 GHz vector network analyzer
- N9925A 9 GHz vector network analyzer
- N9926A 14 GHz vector network analyzer
- N9927A 18 GHz vector network analyzer
- N9928A 26.5 GHz vector network analyzer
- N9912A 4/6 GHz combination analyzer - we do not recommend this model, although it is adequate for basic measurements, and can often be found cheaply on the used market.
- N9913A 4 GHz combination analyzer
- N9914A 6.5 GHz combination analyzer
- N9915A 9 GHz combination analyzer
- N9916A 14 GHz combination analyzer
- N9917A 18 GHz combination analyzer
- N9918A 26.5 GHz combination analyzer
- N9950A 32 GHz combination analyzer
- N9951A44 GHz combination analyzer
- N9952A 50 GHz combination analyzer
Setting up a FieldFox to use the kit either a SMA, N or waveguide kit is very easy, as the required files will be supplied on a USB stick. The files are in a directory VNA-readable-coefficients/HP+Agilent+Keysight and will have a name like 85033_SN_0482_for_Agilent_PNA_or_FieldFox.xkt where the 85033 indicated it was for an SMA kit, and the serial number of the kit was 0482.
These should be copied to the FieldFox via Ethernet using Keysights's Data Link software.
Once the kit has been set up, the attenuator supplied in the Kirkby Microwave calibration and verification kits should be used to verify correct operation.
Why we don't recommend the Agilent or Keysight N9912A
The N9912A combination analyzer has a number of limitations which make is much poorer than the other FieldFox models. However, no doubt because of this,
the N9912A can often be found cheaply, and for basic measurements the N9912A is adequate. Specific issues are:
- There are no actual specifications on dynamic range! Only typical values are given, and those typical values are very poor.
At the high frequency end, the dynamic range is typically 49 dB, which compares to typical values of 95 to 100 dB on the more expensive
FieldFox models. The N9912A appears to have a number of internally generated spurs, as dynamic range is not limited by noise, but by
spurious signals.
- The N9912A can not measure phase of S21 - there is only a scalar measurement for S21, but a vector measurement for S11.
- Although it is not likely to be an issue for most people, there's no support for waveguide measurements. One of Kirkby Microwave's customers did
want to use an N9912A with WR159 waveguide, but this is impossible, as there's no support in the firmware.
Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892.
Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.