The Kirkby Microwave Calibration kits are well suited for use with the Agilent or Keysight PNA series of vector network analyzers (VNAs). Setting up the calibration kit is really simple, as one just needs to load a single .ckt file (older PNAs) or .xkt file(newer PNAs). Since May 2018, .xkt files are supplied on each USB stick, and .ckt files are supplied only when requested, as they take longer for us to generate. The .xkt files will be found in the following directories on the USB stick supplied with the kits.
For an 85033 SMA kit, with a serial number of 0482
For an 85054 type-N kit, with a serial number of 0123
Here are a couple of sample file, one for the N kit, and another for the SMA kit
The .xkt files are always provided on the USB stick, as we can very quickly generate them in software we have written.
The older Agilent PNAs need a .ckt files, and can't read the newer .xkt file. We can provide the .ckt file, but we do not do this unless a customer needs it. There's no charge for supplying the files. The .ckt files are a Keysight proprietry binary format, so we have to use the Keysight Cal Kit Editor. The software is easy to use, so customers can either use it themselves, or we can generate the files. Here is a sample file SMA.ckt for use with the older PNAs.
Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892. Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.