Kirkby Microwave are currently looking to purchase the following items of electronic test equipment. If you have any, at a sensible price, please contact us sending photographs by email, the S/N, any options, calibration status, and any notes about condition etc.
We can make payment by PayPal. It would be helpful if you send us a PayPal invoice and not a money request. Then you can put your name, or company name, and address. Our PayPal address is - note there are two K's in Kirkby.
Kirkby Microwave sometimes use a security method to reduce scams. Please do not be offended if we ask you to take the simple steps given.
Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892. Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.