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Sales for coaxial and waveguide VNA calibration kits.

Kirkby Microwave sells a range of low-cost vector network analyzer calibration kits (VNA cal kits). They should really be called calibration and verification kits, as all the coaxial kits include an attenuator, with measured properties, so that the calibration can be verified.

Our range of VNA calibration kits.

The following is a list of the calibration kits we sell. Please ensure you choose the correct type of calibration kit, as it is easy to pick the wrong one. In particular, do not assume you need an N calibration kit, just because your VNA has N connectors. The calibration kit should match the connectors on the devices you wish to test.

Where to buy our VNA calibration kits.

Some of our kits can be purchased off of eBay, from our website with PayPal to (note there are two k's in Kirkby), or payment in advance by bank transfer. Please note, there are a lot of options on the SMA calibration kit. Due to the wide range of options, and so prices, it is not currently possible to have a price for every possible combination of options on the website. We will need to give you a custom quotation.

Looking for a quote, or proforma invoice?

Please contact us if you need a quotation or proforma invoice. We will also provide quotes by email if that is acceptable, but most companies require a formal document.

Different companies have different requirements and different definitions about the terms quotation and proforma invoice. Kirkby Microwave interprets these documents as:

  1. A quotation provides a list of one or more products a customer may or may not buy. There's no obligation, and this may well have a lot of different options, where a customer is unlikely to want all of them.
  2. A pro forma invoice is issued when a customer knows exactly what they want to buy, a price has been agreed, and the document is provided to allow an accounts department to make a payment into our bank account.

We find different companies have different definitions of these terms, so please advise us what you require.

Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892. Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.