Technical support on VNAs and VNA calibration kits.
IMPORTANT - How this technical support page is structured.
This technical support page has seven main parts. While we encourage you to read most of this, if you are impatient, and have just
bought one of our calibration kits and want to use it immediately,
please read the relevant part of section 3 and the relevant part of section 4. For example, if you purchased the SMA calibration kit to use with an Agilent FieldFox, then you should as a minimum
read the information necessary to use SMA calibration kit in section 3, as well as the information
on the FieldFox in section 4.
- A short introduction to vector network analyzers - you can skip this if you know about VNAs.
- Pre-sales support.
Before buying a vector network analyzer calibration kit, it is obviously important you buy the correct type.
A number of people make the mistake of believe that since their VNA has N connector, they must have an N calibration kit.
In some cases this may be true, but it is often not the case. Please read our guide to
selecting the correct calibration kit.
If you are still unsure, then please contact us by telephone or e-mail to
discuss this.
- Support information about specific calibration kits sold by Kirkby Microwave.
- Support information about vector network analyzers from various manufacturers.
- Links
- A comparison of the HP/Agilent 8753 series of VNAs
Kirkby Microwave Ltd is registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892.
Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT.